• Home Inspections
  • Home Inspections
  • Home Inspections

Buying a New HOME or making the existing one operate as desired

Buying a new or older home can be one of the most expensive and stressful events in a person's life.

Building practices and materials are constantly changing as well as the mechanical components.

Is an older home better or worse? What are the advantages and disadvantages? What will it cost to improve or upgrade this house?

What about all the talk about air quality? We can help you understand how your potential or existing home is expected to operate to enable you to make an informed decision.

We look at the key components and provide an assessment of the performance and what may be needed to improve, upgrade or replace.

We inspect the readily accessible and installed systems and components of homes and report to our customers those which in our professional opinion are significantly deficient or at the end of their service lives.

Home Inspectors Association BC - FAQ



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